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IRB Tip of the Month

Research Affiliate Program
The Research Affiliate Program was impacted during the OHSU strategic alignment and the position we had to support this program was eliminated. Leadership is looking for alternative sources of funding to support and create a position in the future. After discussions with our affiliate partners, they believe it's best to put the program on pause until we're able to have someone dedicated to manage the program. If your project was approved prior to this pause, you may continue with your project until it's completed. However, no new requests will be considered at this time. If you have any questions, please reach out to Thank you for your patience during this period.

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  • Study-specific questions: Contact IRB Coordinator on the Study, Modification, or Continuing review via “Contact IRB Team – Ancillaries – Study Team” feature.
  • General IRB questions:
  • General reliance or waived study questions: